-_dd denkt laut
Dienstag, 30. November 2004


many of you may have come here tonight to see the group called lambchop perform a live score to accompany a film called "Sunrise". but for a moment let's consider that what you will see" is a film called "Sunrise". the group may only be clearly seen before and after the film. what you will hear however is the "live" perceptions of what F. W. Murnau has created in this remarkable landmark of cinema.

from the start of this project it has been important for us as a group to remember that what is presented here is entirely about the film itself. what we have created was intended as a subardinate element to the film experience. The film is the boss and guide for our efforts. and what a film it is.

from the first time that I saw this beautiful, masterful creation I have been moved by the way a story can be presented in a deep and meaningful way without the aide of spoken language. here is an incredible example of storytelling through innovative techniques in filmmaking as well as absolute mastery of the acting craft.

l found it remarkable that these actors can tell you so much within the span of seconds with only the language of their bodies. they are as they should be the stars of the evening.
what I feel is important to note regarding lambchop's involvement with the film is when we initially created the set of records known as "AW CMON" and "NO YOU CMON" it was always our intent to perform at some point our score to this film as an addendum to the records.to be seen essentially as a third and final part of the "record" experience. the application and context of our music grew out of the "Sunrise" performance experience and that experience was integral to the shaping and realizing of the recorded material found on those records.

I have felt that somehow by seeing the film with our music puts the recordings in a perspective much like the final part of a puzzle.

it is our hope that those of you in the audience will enjoy this experience of a live contemporary soundtrack paired with a classic cinematic masterpiece. we´ll see you after the show.
- Kurt Wagner

dem hab´ich nichts hinzuzufügen. einer der schönsten kinoabende ever.

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