-_dd denkt laut
Samstag, 1. Mai 2004
freundschaft, genossInnen!

arise ye workers from your slumbers
arise ye prisoners of want
for reason in revolt now thunders
and at last ends the age of cant.
away with all your superstitions
servile masses arise, arise
we'll change henceforth the old tradition
and spurn the dust to win the prize.

so comrades, come rally
and the last fight let us face
the Internationale
unites the human race!

no more deluded by reaction
on tyrants only we'll make war
the soldiers too will take strike action
they'll break ranks and fight no more
and if those cannibals keep trying
to sacrifice us to their pride
they soon shall hear the bullets flying
we'll shoot the generals on our own side.

so comrades, come rally
and the last fight let us face
the Internationale
unites the human race!

no saviour from on high delivers
no faith have we in prince or peer
our own right hand the chains must shiver
chains of hatred, greed and fear
e'er the thieves will out with their booty
and give to all a happier lot.
each at the forge must do their duty
and we'll strike while the iron is hot!

so comrades, come rally
and the last fight let us face
the Internationale
unites the human race!

noch viel mehr internationale hier.

Online for 8215 days
Last modified: 16.10.10, 11:40
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